Credit life insurance

Credit life insurance is a type of life insurance policy designed to pay off a borrower's outstanding debts if the borrower dies. The face value of a credit life insurance policy decreases proportionately with the outstanding loan amount as the loan is paid off over time, until both reach zero value.

Is credit life insurance a good buy?

You may want to consider buying credit life insurance if: You want to pay for coverage that is declining as you pay down debt. This is a good choice as you will be paying less and less protection each month. You cannot buy life insurance through regular channels because of the medical exam.

Who owns a credit life insurance policy?

Who is the policy owner in credit life insurance? You are the owner of your credit life insurance policy, but the policy's beneficiary is your lender, rather than beneficiaries of your choosing.

What is the difference between life insurance and credit life insurance?

A life insurance policy typically serves to ease the financial burden of a family after the death of a breadwinner; whereas credit life is a simple pay-out to cover existing debt, provided by a financial institution and can be claimed against should you be permanently disabled, retrenched or die.

How much does credit life cost?

The average amount of new credit life coverage is about $6,000. The national average rate across the nation for credit life insurance is 50 cents per $l00 per year of coverage. That means a consumer pays $30 a year to insure a $6,000 loan – 8.2 cents a day.

Can you put credit life on a mortgage?

Credit life insurance can cover mortgages, auto loans, education loans, bank credit loans or other types of loans. In general, the amount of insurance can't be more than what you owe on the loan. Your state may set maximum coverage limits for credit life insurance policies.

How does the credit insurance work?

Credit insurance guarantees a lender will be repaid if a borrower is unable to pay his or her debt due to, for example, death or disability. Although credit insurance is solely for the benefit of the lender, it is purchased and paid for by the borrower.

Do credit unions pay out on death?

DBI is a unique service offered by some credit unions to help pay for end of life expenses. It pays a fixed lump sum in the event of death and where death is as a result of an accident, the lump sum can be doubled.