Concha nasalis superior

The back part of the medial surface of the labyrinth of ethmoid is subdivided by a narrow oblique fissure, the superior meatus of the nose, bounded above by a thin, curved plate, the superior nasal concha. The bone found in superior nasal concha is part of the ethmoid bone.The back part of the medial surface of the labyrinth of ethmoid is subdivided by a narrow oblique fissure, the superior meatus of the nose, bounded above by a thin, curved plate, the superior nasal concha. The bone found in superior nasal concha is part of the ethmoid bone.

Latin: Concha nasi superior, concha nasalis s…

What is superior to the superior concha?

Above the superior concha is a narrow recess, the sphenoethmoidal recess, into which the sphenoidal sinus opens. The superior meatus is a short oblique passage extending about half-way along the upper border of the middle concha; the posterior ethmoidal cells open into the front part of this meatus.

What is Concha Nasalis inferior?

The inferior nasal concha is a scroll-shaped, paired bone that rests at the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. It helps to filter and humidify the air that we breathe. The nasal conchae (plural of concha) are also sometimes called turbinates.

Is superior nasal concha a separate bone?

Superior to the inferior nasal conchae are the middle nasal conchae and superior nasal conchae. Unlike the inferior conchae, these are not separate bones, but medial extensions of the labyrinth portion of the ethmoid bone.

What is the function of the superior middle and inferior nasal conchae?

The function of the conchae is to increase the surface area of the nasal cavity – this increases the amount of inspired air that can come into contact with the cavity walls.

What is the function of superior nasal concha?

The superior conchae completely cover and protect the nerve axons piercing through the cribriform plate (a porous bone plate that separates the nose from the brain) into the nose. Some areas of the middle conchae are also innervated by the olfactory bulb.

What does the superior nasal meatus communicates with?

The superior meatus connects the nasal cavity with the posterior ethmoid air cells, the middle meatus connects the nasal cavity with the anterior and middle ethmoid air cells and the frontal sinus, and the inferior meatus connects the nasal cavity with the nasolacrimal duct.

What does the nasopharynx do?

Nasopharynx: The top part of the throat connects to the nasal cavities (nose) and lets air pass through. Oropharynx: The middle part of the throat connects to the oral cavity (mouth). It allows air, food and fluid to pass through.